Thoughts on Gita-nagari dhama

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Gita nagari is such a wonderful place." -H.H. Dhanurdhara Swami

This past weekend was the celebration of Govardhana puja at Gita-nagari .  Due to the excessive rain fall (which added a nice touch)  we had to worship the cows inside the barn.  The smell of the barn, along with the painting and feeding of the cows, the chanting amongest all the devotees and the presence of the topmost gopi of Gita-nagari Mother Kaulini was exhilerating for me to say the least.  I often wonder whether my attachment to Gita nagari has something to do with the fact that my first date with my husband was spent herding cows and scooping up cow dung from the barn or if its the overwhelming feeling of goodness you experience when in the dhama.  Either way to put it best Gita nagari is such a wonderful place.

Destroying faults by offenseless chanting

Monday, October 20, 2008

"While chanting the holy name of the Lord, if a wretched person in his lifetime achieves namabhasa, or a glimpse of offenseless chanting, then all his faults are destroyed and Their Lordships become pleased with him." -Srila Rupa Gosvami    

New Jagannatha-Puri Dhama Ki Jaya!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a most inspiring day!!!!!

If only I had these attachments...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh my uncomprehending inner self, my dear brother mind, I humbly prostate myself before you.  Taking hold of your feet, I beseech you, please give up all pride and surrender fully to Sri Guru, to the spiritual abode of Vraja-dhama, to the residents of Vraja, to all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord, to the sattvika-brahmanas, to the holy name of the Supreme Lord, and to the ever-fresh and youthful divine couple of blossoming beauty, Sri-Sri Radha and Krishna, and in this way quickly develop sublime attachment to Them. -Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami