How do I feel today?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am green today I chirp with joy like a cricket song
I am gray today gloomy and damp like a morning fog
I am orange today loud and messy like finger paint on the wall
I am red today hopping mad like a playground ball
I am black today strong and tall a great big bear
I am purple today bright and happy like a butterfly in the air

I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world
I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world
I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world are in me

I am yellow today I shine my light out like the sun
I am white today soft and quiet like new snow
I am blue today calm as glass and cool like the sea

I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world
I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world
I'm a rainbow today all the colors of the world are in me

-Kira Willey

There's No Friendship Like Devotee Friendship

Sunday, January 27, 2008

One who helps you to develop Krishna consciousness is a real friend. -H.H. Gour Govinda Swami

Trying to progress on the path of Krishna Bhakti

Friday, January 25, 2008

O my Lord, as powerful as fire, O omnipotent One, now I offer you all obeisances, falling on the ground at your feet. O my Lord, please lead me on the right path to reach You, and since You know all that I have done in the past, please free me from the reactions to my past sins so that there will be no hindrance to my progress. -Sri Isopanisad Mantra 18

The Power of Prasadam

Thursday, January 24, 2008

We are giving you prasadam. By eating, eating, eating, you will one day become Krishna conscious, simply by eating. Because you are so dull, you cannot understand the philosophy. You know the belly like the animals. So therefore we are giving facility, "All right, fill up your belly, and you will be infected." As you take foodstuff from an infected area, you become infected with some disease, so this is Krishna-infected, prasadam. You take it, and one day you will be diseased with Krishna consciousness. -Srila Prabhupada

Wherever you go, there you are

Saturday, January 19, 2008

We are already where we need to be

As human beings we are always trying to get somewhere. Many of us seek some standard of success that we think will bring happiness or validation from the world. Even those of us involved in the personal growth and consciousness process still have the idea that we certainly don't want to be where we are - we're trying to get somewhere better. And when we get to that place, everything will be right somehow. Yet, consciousness cannot be found somewhere else; it happens through becoming aware of where we are right now.

Trying to get somewhere else takes us away from appreciating the process. When we begin to enjoy the process itself, we can stop worrying and become completely involved in the fascinating journey that's unfolding each moment in each day.

Today I am not trying to get somewhere else. I'm focusing on being aware of where I am now.

(I am not exactly sure who wrote this or where it came from but it was definitely something that I needed to read. Many thanks to my friends at Healthy Alternatives for sharing this with me.)

My inspiration

Friday, January 18, 2008

Many thanks to my personal family photographer Lavanga Manjari dd.

I sure need some HELP

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Two small practices can give one an immediate boost in spiritual life: rising early and controlling one's eating.- H.H. Dhanurdhara Swami

Praying to be Absorbed

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.- BG 9.34

The Absolute Truth

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Seekers of the Absolute Truth are never allured by unnecessary engagements in sense gratification because the serious students seeking the Absolute Truth are always overwhelmed with the work of researching the Truth. In every sphere of life, therefore, the ultimate end must be seeking after the Absolute Truth, and that sort of engagement will make one happy because he will be less engaged in varieties of sense gratification.- Srila Prabhupada SB 1.2.10 purport

Chant and be Happy

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

We are trapped souls in a state of forgetfulness of Krishna, and Krishna is giving you the chance now to re-establish your relationship with Him by this chanting process. So take full advantage of it and be happy. - Srila Prabhupada