If you want to chant the Hare Krishna mantra, then you have to take to the principle of trnad api sunicena. You have to become humbler than the grass. Grass is lying on the street. Everyone is trampling down the grass. There is no protest. Taror api sahisnuna. And more tolerant than a tree. The tree is giving us so much help. It is giving us fruit, flower, and leaves. And when there is scorching heat, it also gives shelter, and you may sit down underneath. So benificial, yet we still cut. As soon as I like, I cut it down. But there is no protest. The tree does not say,"I have given you so much help and you are cutting me?" No. The tree is tolerant. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has selected the tree: taror api sahisnuna. And amanina manadena. For oneself one should not expect any respectful position, but the devotee should offer all respects to everyone. Amanina manadena kirtaniya sada hari. If we acquire these qualifications, then we can chant Hare Krishna mahamantra without any disturbance. These are the qualifications. -Srila Prabhupada
Humbler than the grass. More tolerant than a tree.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008Posted by kiriti dasi at 7:53 PM