The potency of hearing the Holy Name

Monday, August 18, 2008

"When one becomes Krishna conscious, he loves everyone.  If you chant loudly Hare Krishna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration." -Srila Prabhupada

To much time wasted

Friday, August 15, 2008

"The main thing is, regardless of one's circumstance, to remain a servant of the spiritual master and be satisified with whatever service he offers. But if one is given time for direct devotional service, especially chanting and hearing about Krishna, it should be treasured with not a moment wasted." -H.H.Dhanurdhara Swami

Gita-nagari Rathayatra 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Like father like son.  Kalpavrksa dasa leading the parade just like our beloved spiritual master always did.

Best friends forever.  Vrindavani and Kirti having a deep discussion about cow protection.

Climbing Govardhana Hill.

Mother Vegavati helping the girls make their way to the top.

H.G. Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu and disciples enjoying the view from the top of Govardhana. 

Alachua bound.  Sabjimata and family in their last days at Gita nagari.

Jaganatha swami nayana patha gami bhavatu me.

Great bear and his cub.

The mercy of the Lord of the universe mixed with the sweetness of the country is always extra special. Gita-nagari Rathayatra is something you don't want to miss.  

Trying to see better

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A person who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord, and sees all entities as His parts and parcels, and who sees the Supreme Lord within everything, never hates anything, nor any being. -Sri Isopanisad Mantra 6

Searching for peace

Saturday, August 2, 2008

" It is all in Krishna. You cannot find peace outside Krishna activities, outside Krishna consciousness. That is not possible." -Srila Prabhupada